Awards and recognition

Leadership and recognition

At BCE, we believe that adhering to recognized frameworks helps our stakeholders better understand our efforts. The following are the frameworks and standards we follow or support, as well as some indices in which we are listed. We were also recognized by a variety of organizations for our initiatives.

Responsible investments

Generating sustainable returns

Over the years, BCE has delivered a measure of growth and steady income to investors.

We believe that our financial performance is partly linked to environmental and social responsibility - that by attempting to reconcile economic, environmental and social objectives, we minimize risks, and in many instances realize significant gains.

BCE Sustainable Financing Framework

Consistent with the outstanding levels of corporate responsibility that we continually seek to achieve, BCE Inc. has developed a Sustainable Financing Framework guiding the issuance, by Bell Canada, of green, social or sustainability bonds as well as other Bell Canada sustainable financings such as loans.

To find out more about BCE’s, Sustainable Financing Framework and how it outlines eligible use of proceeds, the project selection and evaluation process, the management of proceeds and reporting please visit the Sustainable Financing Framework page on our website.

Business opportunities

By accelerating the dematerialization of products to services or reducing the need to travel, telecommunications help reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. As more consumers and businesses turn to sustainable choices, our e-solutions, especially new broadband products, have the potential to generate significant revenues. E-solutions are also attractive in that they reduce meeting and travel costs, while increasing productivity through better time management.


More and more financial analysts and shareholders believe in the intrinsic value and business opportunities of a sustainable approach. Our performance in this area has been recognized by some of the world's leading sustainable investment analysts. BCE is a component of several sustainability indexes including:

Organizations we support

BCE is proud to support a number of organizations that adhere to strong ESG principles. Among these are leaders with whom we have a long-standing relationship.